Hitting Reset

I’m Devin Ganger. I play guitar and write music and speculative fiction. In my current day job I’m a senior IT architect. I enjoy boating, hiking, and karate. I am a passionate soccer fan. My wife and I have a growing number of adult kids and we are owned by two cats. In August 2021, I became a variety Twitch streamer, forcing myself to an external schedule to grow my music skills.

I started blogging back in the waning days of Usenet and the rise of LiveJournal. In the mid-2000s I started Devin on Earth, which mainly focused on my career and hobbies. However, in the past several years I’ve barely posted as my interests have changed. It’s a common story: my blog required too much work, I let it rot, felt guilt about the neglect, and found it harder to post new content.

Fall of 2019 tried to kick my ass in several ways, but I kicked back. I am clearing out deadwood and focusing on the things that make me happy, like music. In 2020 I dove back into learning guitar and began building my home studio.

Devin on Earth 2.0 — new, fresh, ready to move forward. Thanks for joining me.

Published by Devin L. Ganger

He/him | #BlackLivesMatter | IT geek, space nerd, guitarist, writer | Social Justice Monk | Train yourself to be kind (it's hard)

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